Saturday, March 26, 2011


Are you too busy to blog?

Have a blog, but find yourself in a blogging "funk?"

Want to blog, but are unmotivated, uncreative, or uneducated on how to start?

Do you feel like your family life is passing you by and you are not able to keep track of the details?

This blog is dedicated for YOU to see if I can help.

What I am offering:
* Weekly emails sent to you with specific questions about your life and that weeks events.

* You fill in the answers,
attach any pictures and send it back to me.

* A questionnaire will be filled out by you so I know the backgrounds, birthdays, special occasions and culture of your family. This will help me write your blogs in a style that is appropriate for you. (Click here to see an example).

* Emails will be sent for those special events as well so nothing goes unnoticed.

I do all the leg work for you! I will organize, write and edit all your posts into your blog.

Let me do the thinking FOR you. Each year, I will then put your blog and postings into a hardbound book! (More details provided as the year goes forth).

If you want to have just the family history written down and saved, vs. posting into a blog form, that is also an option.

The cost for services will be $40 a month. You can choose to have weekly posts or monthly posts...the choice is yours. The services will be paid for through my paypal account monthly.

See for yourself what people have said about my writing styles and skills (see comments below). I am a certified teacher who LOVES to write. In fact, I have kept a journal myself for over 21 years, and most recently won a grant for my school from an essay contest!

Let's make a blog book together.

For more information, please email me at :


  1. I have been a follower of Adrienne's blogging for many years now and LOVE her style! She keeps me reading to the end with her details about life, family, work, kids and everything inbetween. I'm excited to have her help me keep a record of my family!

  2. Adrienne is a fabulous writer who is able to inject so much personality and pizazz into her posts. This is a great opportunity to have a family keepsake and hang on to all the memories that are too quickly blown away in our busy lives. Even better that I don't have to worry about the cutesy formatting myself, PLUS I'll have a hardbound book to put on my shelf! Thanks for creating such an awesome service!
